Not a question of physics at all, more a question of proportion. Man-made CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses for that matter) is insignificant compared to the quantities generated by natural activity. Again, it is arrogance to think mankind has that much influence over the workings of this here globe. Historically, there has been much more CO2 in our atmosphere from time to time than there is now. Things got warmer, then they got colder. Every 30-40 years or so a bunch of enviro-scientists get together and proclaim the earth is getting colder, or the earth is getting hotter. I am still waiting form some group to tell us the sky is falling. I remember quite well from the 70s the grand proclamation that all the data said our planet was starting a cool down period, and we should all be concerned. They were so sure back then that the proof was unrefutable. Then a new group proclaims that the previous group was wrong, their interpretation was flawed, and it is actually going the other way.

Things change. Live with it, or yield. We have bigger fish to fry right now, climate change is just a distraction from real problems we need to deal with quick, fast, and in a hurry. Not much point in worrying about an average global temp increase of 8 degrees in the next 2, 3, 10 years, when you are sitting in the dark trying to keep from freezing to death.

Besides, until we get China, India and Russia on board with any remediation plan, not much we Americans can do to change the trend. Right now, there are 6 countries in Europe who are willing to burn whatever they can find to keep the lights on and the heaters warm, now that Russia has closed the gas line.

What was that old quote we used to see up here on the forums every so often? Oh yes, "When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

Kinda tough to get too worried about this when I am expending tremendous effort and resources now just trying to keep afloat one payday to the next. Its not like the politicians have been listening to me much lately anyways.

In any case, whatever the science says, whether it's getting warmer or colder, or whether we did it or something else is causing it, the real point is a matter of priorities. There are lots of more tangible calamities knocking at our door right now. Better be prepared to deal with them now, or it won't matter much what the sea level is in 10 years.

I see, bad moon a risin'. I see, trouble on the way.

Edited by benjammin (01/17/15 11:19 PM)
Edit Reason: Back to my point