Much ado about nothing. It is arrogance to think that mankind has such a grand influence on the workings of this planet. There are myriad fact based reasons for why the temperature changes over time.

There was a time in our planet's history when there was a lot more carbon flowing through our ecosystem. It was a time when our world was covered in vegetation, when animals flourished, and the surface of the planet was rich with life. Where did all the carbon we use today come from? All the fossil fuels we use today were in the ecosystem, moving through the carbon phase as CO2, CH3, and various living hydrocarbons. Then they got sequestered away beneath the surface.

Things change all the time. I am not going to worry about climate change, because the climate changes one way or the other continuously, and thank God it does. I have bigger problems to deal with, as do the rest of the people on this planet. Sure, warmer (or colder) temperatures might be inconvenient for some people, of great benefit to others. I think it just depends on where you are at the time. People seem to find a way to do well in just about any climate one can experience, be it sand dunes, rainforest, glacial peak, or even under the sea. If one place gets worse, another is sure to improve. In any case, wherever you are, it is sure that things will not stay the same for long, speaking from a geologic/climatic perspective.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)