Originally Posted By: Tjin

Originally Posted By: haertig
Soon enough, I think the town will decide that the head of the fire department that come up with this plan is a bonehead, and will get rid of them. That's my prediction.

The fireservice cost money. If they don't get enough, they can't provide a (proper) service. Periode. You can 'get rid' of people, but that does not solve the underlying problem.

Billing out-of-towners exclusively and in an isolated position is not a smart way to collect that money. Doubly so if the town lives from the tourists. The message is fairly clear.
It is predictable that the plan is going to make the problem worse by lowering the income of the towns people. If accidents with visitors are so frequent that they really matter, the police should put in a little more effort to encourage people to comply with traffic rules.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.