Is the Earth on a warming trend now? Yes.

Has it been on a warming trend before? Yes.

Were humans to blame for previous warming trends? Seeing as how they weren't even around for many of them, probably not.

Are humans to blame for the current warming trend? Don't know.

Will the Earth have a future cooling trend? Probably, since it's had them before.

Will humans be to blame for any future cooling trend? Don't know.

It's silly to argue whether the Earth is warming or cooling right now. It's pretty simple to stick a thermometer in the ground (so to speak) and measure things over time. The question is: Is the current warming abnormal, not part of the Earths normal cycle, and proven to be caused by humans? That's what I'm not 100% convinced about. Some scientists say yes, others say no, others say we don't know. It's one thing to take measurements and report them (that part of science I trust). It's more difficult to ascribe a cause/effect relationship with any certainty on something as large as a planet.

Warming is occurring at this exact moment in time. My "hunch" is that humans are playing some role, I don't know how big, in warming. And I think scientists are only a small step beyond a hunch at this time. So, what should the response be? Is a response warranted? If so, how big of a response?

It seems like every time someone asks the question, "Is this an abnormal temperature increase, not part of the Earths cycle, and are humans the cause of it?" then the response is "I can't believe you are denying that warming is happening!" That is a redirect away from the question that was asked.