Originally Posted By: James_Van_Artsdalen

Also, the Phoenix aircraft must refual a couple of times, in foreign countries, to get to the US. The aircraft might be denied landing rights if an Ebola patient isn't in a POD, even if no one leaves the aircraft.

I am a bit of an aviation buff and previously read up on the Phoenix Air ambulances They are using modified Gulfstream G-III jets to airlift Ebola patients back to the USA. The jet is refueled at Lajes Air Field on the Azore Islands before flying to the USA.

Inside the Flying Quarantine Ward Used to Transport Ebola Patients

Phoenix Air details Ebola flight operations in 'Flying ICU'
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock