Arney and AKSAR; thanks, that clarifies a lot about the sequence of the disease, especially the editorial from The New England Journal of Medicine.

So my remaining concern is compliance and for want of a better term the "honesty" of the self reporting:
Originally Posted By: Montanero

Too much of the current policies recommended relies on individual cooperation and honesty. My experience with human beings is that many are not honest and will take a narcissistic attitude to take care of their own desires.

We can take caution and protect civil rights at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive.

This pretty much sums up where I am at now. I've had the same experiences with humans as Montanero. Besides simple honesty, there is the psychological problem of "denial" when they first get a temperature rise or begin to feel ill.

As someone else pointed out, the quote from Dr. House applies "Everyone lies."
"Better is the enemy of good enough."