Reminds me of a joke.
A city slicker decides to spend a summer working on a farm to "get back to the land".
He finds his way to an out-of-the-way place and moves into a spare room in the farmhouse. The farmer puts him to work, dawn to dusk, sloping the pigs, fixing the fences, hauling hay and so on.
One day, the farmer says to the guy, "Go get six sticks of dynamite out of the shed, we're gonna go get an old tree stump out."
The city slicker is surprised to find a whole case of dynamite in the shed, but he grabs a half dozen sticks and comes out of the shed right away.
The farmer and the city slicker get into the old pickup truck, drive a short way and find the tree stump in the field. The farmer turns the truck around and spends a few minutes parking it some distance from the stump while the city slicker stands around wondering what to do.
The farmer then takes a shovel and digs under the stump for a bit. The city slicker offers to help, but the farmer says, "No I'd best do this part. You'll do the easy part - set the dynamite in the hole and light the fuse when it's time."
After about 10 minutes, the farmer says, "OK, all set. I'm going to walk over there a ways. You tie all the fuses together, stuff the dynamite in the hole just so, light the fuse and come over by me right quick, you hear? Those fuses take about a minute to set the dynamite off, but don't dawdle!"
The city slicker does as he's told, and a moment after he lights the fuse he's at the farmer's side. The farmer says, "Best cover your ears, it's going to be loud."
Just then BOOM! The explosion is terrific and the stump is blasted out of the ground. Up and up and up it goes in the air, and as the farmer and the city slicker watch, down, down DOWN it comes - SMASH - right into the cab of the pickup truck! The pickup truck cab is totally crushed.
The city slicker turns to the farmer and says,"That's incredible, how could that have happened? It just landed right on the cab of your truck!"
The farmer looks at the situation, smiles and shakes his head, and says, "Well I'll be! - how about THAT! usually, the stump lands in the bed of the truck."