If you truly want to be "free" ... perhaps the solution is to become a goat herder in the Caucasus Mountains, or a hillbilly in Arkansas. The only problem - then you ARE a goat herder or a hillbilly :-)

Pete, having lived in Arkansas all my life (actually a 5th generation resident) I can confidently say there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a hillbilly in Arkansas. I invite you to research Crystal Bridges of American Art -- which is about six blocks from my house.

I had a cousin who WAS a hillbilly by any definition. He lived off the land, grew his own tobacco and sorghum for sugar. He grew a huge garden and preserved what he grew, cured his own meat, made his own leather. And grew his own corn to distill into his private stock. Those are skills we all wish we had. I wish I had been born a decade earlier so I could have spent a lot of time with him, learning everything I could.

Pete, come visit sometime! Life here is very good, but NOTHING like the stereotype.