This is news to me. I do hope he was found safe and well and returned home. Recently in New Mexico an elderly woman and her husband were in the mountains searching for mushrooms. He returned to their car, leaving her, and she vanished. Again, the word "experienced" was thrown around in the media. They found a walking stick they thought was hers, but wasn't. Reports conflict if she had a jacket or not. She had no other equipment at all. After a rather large search lasting several days her body was found less than a mile from where she was last seen. Very sad. But it seems these days that "experienced" outdoorsmen (and women), are dropping like flies after a heavy frost because they don't carry even a bottle of water when they leave the payment. This is why I have gear for the neighborhood children and stress they take it. Perhaps one day it will save not only hundreds of man hours,thousands of dollars, but more importantly, a young life. Ok, end of rant, thanks for staying awake long enough to read it all.