I'd definitely prefer a better light, and I don't really anticipate losing the light in the river (but then I didn't really anticipate losing my glasses in the lake at summer camp but it happened). At this point, I can't get anything shipped to me in time for the canoe trip, so I'm gonna make do with what I have on hand for now.
For fiscal reasons (we're already out quite a bit of money getting some needed gear for this trip) and as a stop gap, i'm getting a cheaper headlamp/flashlight combo for now that's on clearance at walmart (they won't get here in time for the trip but we'll have them for some other campouts this fall), similar lights to what i've been looking at, I'll see how well I like them, and keep considering all the fantastic options you all have given for a better light for the christmas stockings. Thanks for all the help and suggestions, it's been a real eye opener for me as to the options available, I'll keep looking, and if anyone has more suggestions I'd love to hear them.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?