Originally Posted By: Mark_Frantom
Any thoughts on whether that would be enough for setting up camp as well as the possibility of lighting up a trail at night? or maybe too much? it does have some lower output options tho.

Lumens ain't everything.

Briefly, think of light as being grains of salt. Take a picture of whatever you're illuminating and pour salt on the picture (in your imagination, please). Wherever a grain of salt is, there's a little light. Where there's lots of salt, there's lots of light.

Lumens measure all the salt on the picture, no matter how densely they're packed or widely they're scattered.

Candela is a measure of the maximum intensity of light, or how high the salt gets piled up in the analogy.

Throwy lights have high candela, good for illuminating things far away, but not much spill (this is what flashaholics call it). In other words, most or all the salt is piled up in one spot on the picture. It may be hard to light up an area.

Floody lights are the opposite, great for illuminating large areas close up but very poor for spotting things far away. The salt is spread fairly evenly all over the picture.

At night, with your eyes adjusted, 70 lumens can be a heck of a lot for setting up camp. It can be too much, especially if the light doesn't have much spill. So I guess the answer is, I don't know. My 70 lumen lights would work quite well for setting up camp at night, for me.