The nurse when feeling unwell i.e. symptomatic, asked for an Ebola test multiple times but was refused and was told to go on Holiday, only to be tested 6 days later after before becoming progressively more ill.
This sounds so unbelievable that I'm inclined to think that this is uncomfirmed reporting by
El Mundo, but if it is an accurate description of what happened, that is inexcusable. A health professional who had direct contact with not one, but two, Ebola patients suspects that they are infected, and is repeatedly refused testing?
This Guardian article quotes the
El Mundo report, and then adds something else:
El Mundo reported that it was the nurse who asked to be tested for Ebola, having to insist repeatedly on being tested before it was done on Monday.
While staff at the Alcorcón hospital were waiting for the test results, the nurse remained in a bed in the emergency room, separated only by curtains from other patients, hospital staff told El Mundo. Their version of events clashes with that of health authorities, who have said the patient was isolated from the first moment.
If this second description of how the nurse was "isolated" in the ER while she waited for her test results is true, then I suppose the bit about refusing to test her in the first place doesn't sound so far fetched. I really hope that this is not actually what happened so I'll keep an eye out for clarifications.