I find it striking that you don't include matches, either the conventional wood matches or the "fire starter on steroids" emergency type. My experience in dicey situations where lighting a fire was critical is that matches work very well. They should be carried in a good watertight match safe and should be paired with suitable fire starter/tinder material - you are setting up for the worst of conditions, not the best.
Fair enough. I haven't found a match that I actually like.
As mentioned previously, I am not a big fan of safety matches and I lost my supply of older strike-anywheres.
I am now left with a supply of the green Diamond strike anywheres which don't work well.
I am in the middle of trying to get hold of a supply of Canadian Redbird strike anywheres which supposedly work as well as the old Ohio strike anywheres.
If they prove adequate, I will coat them with clear nail polish for waterproofing. I rather like the red plastic match case sold at Walmart.