Originally Posted By: Deathwind
Please post a link to your review of firecards if you would be so kind.

Here, I'll copy the review from Amazon (I wrote it so presumably that's okay):

I purchased this fairly recently but given how well it's worked in several applications I feel I have to post a review. This stuff is pretty remarkable! I stumbled on it while viewing a video on youtube by PeakSurvival. Apparently this stuff is used by UK military units and is also found in Canada, but it's pretty hard to find stateside. I must say it's excellent. It's very rigid, which is nice for me since it survives being vacuum packed without being totally crushed. It seems to be impregnated with paraffin, although it smells a bit like beeswax when burned. It burns like a candle, giving good heat for quite a while. Yet if you take your time and really fray it up (ie. shred the end with a knife or peel it apart into layers) it will light pretty well with just a spark. I lit the stuff with a Spark-Lite.

Burn time is really superb. Under good conditions you could use a 1/4" x 1" piece to light a campfire- and you get six cards, each 4" x 8".

So many products are overhyped (eg WetFire) that it's really refreshing to find a product virtually unknown in the US market that performs this well. I intend to buy many more sheets for preparedness and camping/hiking kits. At the risk of spouting hyperbole, anyone creating a survival fire kit would be foolish not to at least consider including a couple square inches of Tinder Card. It's cheap, light, compact and effective.

Very good stuff! Worthy of five stars.

I will add that in the two years since I reviewed it there I've used the stuff virtually every time I've gone out. Really good stuff.
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