The bad guys in the US have put a lot of people "in the bush" in a position of fear when the "good people" see someone with a fixed blade knife in an area that a fixed blade knife normally makes sense to have.
Some "Bambi & Lion King" believers riding bikes through one of our national parks areas were attacked by cougars lately with one fatality and partial digestion of said fatality.
A "sheepel" fixed blade knife like my old Craftsman with a 4 1/2" blade with a compressed rawhide handle and light weight leather sheath probably would get by a lot of people "in the bush", but my carbon steel kalishnakov 6" bayonet with a metal scabbard would probably mark me as a "mad hatter" or an out of touch militia type. The bayonet is tougher for hard use, but most people don't see it that way.
I have not had any problems pulling out my 3" Field & Stream, blue aluminum handled one hand opener even while using a tactical speed open technique. I think the main reason for that is that when I do open it, it is immediately put to work doing the job I opened it for and people around me know right away that is the reason I opened it. Now if I were to flick it open and stand there looking at the blade, looking out into space, or chanting "Hari Kirshna" mumblings, there would probably be a lot more concern about my intent by those around me.
The Sheriff's department has a saying around here that; "Attitude is Everything", and that can easily apply to the possesion or use of knives.