Originally Posted By: wildman800
Another uncomfortable fact of life: Aneurisms. Many folks have them within the brain and/or along primary blood vessels and have not ever learned of that fact, for many reasons, until one day, poof. Death occurs quickly and one drops exactly where they were at that moment. One can be standing in an Emergency Room of a modern hospital and there is not anything that can be done for them.

Something like this was kind of what I was driving at. The reports, sketchy as they are, listed the cause of death as hypothermia. Now, I'll be the first to admit I'm no Cody Lundin, just a guy that tries to learn and loves the outdoors. And it's also true that just being experienced and knowledgeable doesn't immunize one completely against risk. Yet in conditions that are relatively mild I would be somewhat surprised to see a skilled, healthy and well equipped person to succumb to hypothermia overnight. I do know it can hit you hard and fast, but I do wonder if some other health issue complicated things for her.

One last comment; if I am thinking about my death I can sure picture a lot of ways worse than dying on a beautiful if cold mountain at age 70. My dad loved the outdoors but passed away in a hospital bed, covered with tubes and monitors, at age 67. I have no doubt he'd have gladly traded spots with her if he could.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman