I sympathies ize! But,I must ask the obvious question: If it's not to your taste, why did you move there in the first place? Second question: Why don't you employ your obviously good mind to creating the conditions to move to a more conducive location.

If you really want a true big city experience ( in the Classic European understanding of a city) , there are only four real choices: NYC, Chicago, New Orleans, & San Francisco. DC is more a power center than a City. But it's fabulous museums, monuments and arts venues are world class. Runners-up would be Seattle, Boston & Miami. Honorable mention to Portland for its unique walk/ bike cultures. Yes, I know, I left out LA. IMO LA is an amalgam of sprawl, not a real downtown centered city in the classic sense.

And before anyone gets prissy about it, these are my opinions. I am not knocking or belittling any other Metro type area. Other locales may be lovely, lively , friendly, cultured and newer. They just aren't what I consider a classic city, e.g. London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, Vienna, & Budapest.