Originally Posted By: bws48
Ummh . . . a wake up call?

It's interesting that the pups didn't get upset. I always read about "the (fill in the blank with an animal") got upset ...etc."

Glad there was no problems for you,

I've only been in 2 earthquakes, one in Bavaria in the 70's and the other a couple of years ago here in Maryland (centered in Virginia). Both times, there was a long "What the . . ." reaction. To me, it seems the worst danger is that the "What the..." reaction can cause you to lose critical time.

I'm pretty sure there's a lot of observer bias in that. I grew up in CA and never had my pets (nor those of friends) act any different before or after. During the quake, sometimes, but they still came when called and just looked scared.

I missed the one in VA due to the .mil keeping me overseas. Shucks.