Originally Posted By: Brangdon
f you have disinfected water available, that's great. Hypothetically, suppose I was marooned somewhere and had (a) a small amount of drinkable water I'd carried with me; (b) some found water that I'd consider too contaminated to drink; and (c) fresh urine. I suspect that the urine would be a better choice for cleaning wounds than the found water. It'd be nice to use the carried water to rinse out the urine at the end, but I wouldn't use it for that if I felt I needed it for drinking.

If I had the means to purify the found water, that changes things. The point is, urine isn't always the worst choice.

This is probably a rather theoretical discussion. I have been present as part of a first responder team in somewhere over 100 situations, and we have never cleaned out the wound by flushing with any liquid.Just stop the bleeding, stabilize, and transport. Most of these have been back country or wilderness situations in an arid environment; rarely has there been water "too contaminated for drinking."

Peeing is for local soil enrichment......
Geezer in Chief