I assume this relates to the business of flushing a wound with one's own urine?

I can certainly attest that the vigorous flushing of wounds (with soap and reasonably clean water) speeds healing and reduces/prevents infections. 10x more effective than chemical sterilants alone, IME.

The question isn't whether urine is sterile (of course it's not). The question is whether or not flushing a wound with urine, in the absence of any other reasonable option, might be more beneficial than not flushing at all.

The use of urine for this purpose is is stuff of legend, of course, as best practice (?) for WWII POW's in jungle environments. My understanding is that open wounds in jungles are instantly infected by a wide range of dangerous nasties. In this extreme case, I can see where vigorous flushing with whatever you have might be the best option (and only option, which makes it easier to choose).

I don't know that that question of benefit vs. harm can be answered with certainty. Too many variables. I am glad that I have never had to do this, but I would if I needed to.