FireCon 5: set when wildfire risk is high (high winds, high temp, dry fuel).
A. Top off fuel tanks, check fluid levels, belts, and spare tire pressure
FireCon 4: set when a wildfire risk is high and has started within 100 miles upwind of your present location.
same as Firecon 5
FireCon 3: set when a wildfire risk is high and has started within 50 miles upwind of your present location.
A. Top off fuel tanks, check fluid levels, belts, and spare tire pressure
B. Check evacuation plan.
C. Know where everyone in the family is.
FireCon 2: set when a wildfire has started within 25 miles upwind of your present location.
A. Top off fuel tanks, check fluid levels, belts, and spare tire pressure
B. Check evacuation plan.
C. Assemble/notify family of imminent evacuation.
E. Assemble items for evacuation. Do not put items in car due to theft risk.
F. Contact friends/family where you intend to bug out to.
FireCon 1: set when an evacuation has been ordered for your present location.
A. Load cars
B. Leave
Edited by Mark_R (05/14/14 11:05 PM)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane