Originally Posted By: benjammin
It lasted longer than previous quakes I've felt here. But nothing to get concerned about. I am sure when the big one hits, things will go full tilt bozo for a while.
It woke up my wife and our dog, but I had a tiring week and I managed to sleep right through this one.

You are correct that when the big one hits, there won't be any doubt. The 2002 M 7.9 Denali Fault quake was east of Cantwell. That was the only time in the 3 decades I've lived in Anchorage that I thought maybe it was the big one. Even here in Anchorage, roughly 200 miles from the epicenter, that one was scary. The shaking was much stronger than the little M 4 & M 5 ones we get now and then. And it just went on and on and on...... shocked

The 2002 Denali quake didn't kill anyone, mostly because very few people live in the area. It did offset the Trans Alaska Pipeline across the fault by 14 ft horizontally, and cause massive rock slides that went clear across some glaciers. When one that big happens near Anchorage, it will be ugly.

Edited by AKSAR (05/10/14 05:49 PM)
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz