PLBs are specialist outdoor survival kit. I even have trouble even getting descent outdoor gear where a live. Even the local Gun/fishing tackle shop closed down recently. It opened up in the city before the American Civil war in 1860.

Even getting Optics such as binoculars is a problem in a brick and mortar shop. The National chain store called Jessops went Bankrupt so even the local Jessops in the town centre was closed a few years ago. They were a specialized Camera equipment chain store.
I am still searching for a Nikon 16-48x / 20-60x Zoom SS RA III WP Eyepiece (BDB90173) for my field scope after many months.
Getting specialist gear and kit locally from a local brick and mortar store is getting more a more difficult. I could list a whole set of camping/trekking gear virtually impossible to get locally unless you happen to live near a good outdoor retailer that has a major Internet presence. Mention titanium or high speed knife steels or even goose down and you will be disappointed by the response of the store owner.