I've been thinking about making a new little kit for short lunch hour type dirt time. A glimpse of Spring-like weather, and the recent chats on ETS were the perfect excuse. Thanks for the inspiration!
I had no budget for new gear, so used what I already had. I started with a little Altoids tin kit, and then made a slightly bigger pocket kit with a little more shelter and water abilities. Then I put those in an old GI butt pack, with a few more pieces of kit and, viola! My new little woods bumming kit.
Thanks again for the inspiration!
Pics or it didn't happen!
Outside view of complete kit

I attached an old leather belt to a GI butt pack, to use as a belt carrier in addition to the standard nylon shoulder strap. The nylon strap digs in, so I need to get some sort of padding for it.
Inside Top layer
Bandanna, merino wool socks and my canteen kit. 3 of my favourite pieces of kit!
Inside view
Main Contents:
It's early Spring here, which means cold, wet and windy weather, with below freezing temps still very likely. This kit is intended to address my top survival priorities: Shelter, Fire, Water, Signaling and vigilance against hypothermia:
Canteen kit (canteen, cup and stove with mini BIC and tin foil)
FA & Hygiene kit (2 maxi pads, 3 tampons, pocket pack of Kleenex, Bandaids, lip balm and OTC meds)
Sea to Summit titanium spork
Nescafe 3 in 1 instant coffee
Cliff bars & PB crackers (I also threw in an MRE entrée for lunch on the road)
Mora LMF Fire knife
Alotoids tin PSK
Pocket PSK (black bag)
Hexi fuel tabs (Coleman, in plastic container with stormproof matches)
GI Poncho
black bin liner
merino wool socks
There's even still enough room for my Bacho Laplander saw or my hatchet!
Contents of Black Pocket PSK

Resealable breast milk bags

GI can opener with eating thingy
small piece of fatwood

Heatsheets (1p)
duct tape (red - 8 ft)
jute twine (10 ft, 6 ft)
7 strand 550 cord (bracelet - 8 ft)
hair elastic
squeeze LED
ferro rod with magnesium block
small Gerber Paraframe folder
safety pins, sewing needles, fish hooks, fishing line, weights, leaders (in clear plastic vial)
Altoids tin PSK *I like to carry a PSK on my body when I'm out. This guy will ride in a jacket/short/pants pocket.
Sealed with duct tape
The Guts[img]
Fox 40 whistle
mini BIC
AMK Sparklite
MicroPUR tabs(4)
6 ft duct tape
birthday candle
mini AMK signal mirror
AMK button compass
razor blade
20 ft black thread
4 ft steel snare wire
Shopping List*A filter straw, bug spray/net and sunscreen are definitely going in soon. I like the trick candle idea too. Think I'll stop by the party supply store and check them out.
TestingWe went for a short lunch time walk yesterday, and I'm liking the bag very much. Only went for about 30 mins, and didn't do anything much, but so far so good. The weight is nice and for a not too strenuous walk, the belt is working well as a shoulder strap. I once had a sling pack that I hated because I kept flopping on me, but I'm hoping that a belt/shoulder strap combo will eliminate that. (The nylon trap on this is too short to use it as a shoulder strap comfortably anyway, so I'm searching for more DIY ideas.) All the kit inside is well used, and includes many of my favourites so I'm confident that I'm good to go once I figure out the straps.
Here's a little video of my outing yesterday: