The sad and hard fact is that we learn more from failures than success.

So, what happened? What went wrong? People? Technology?
Some of the above?
All of the above?

We don't know.

Enough people fly frequently enough that we need to try to find out. Will we get all the answers? NO. Will will get some? I hope so. I do not think it is something we can just walk away from and mark up to "bad luck" or "who knows."

An obscure fact or bit of evidence may save thousands of lives in the future.

It is possible, if not probable, that the voice recorder is blank, as it loops in about 2 hours, and the plane may have flown on auto after everything was, ummmh, over.

Perhaps the data recorder might yield some useful info.

But ultimately, IMO, the era of the on-board voice and data recorders should be declared to be over and everything real-time data linked to the "cloud" should start.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."