Several years ago I was helping a friend move his newly purchased sailboat from the Boston area to Newport RI. Its not an off-shore trip by any means; mainly a coastal adventure. Despite this fact, we had weather early on and my friend got seasick and was useless for the first day. Second day he recovered but the engine on the sailboat crapped out and - of course - there was no wind so we were drifting and dreaming for almost a full day. Stayed over a night to get the engine fixed and now on day 4 we made an approach to Newport. In an attempt to shave some minutes - minutes not hours - my friend - who - by the way - was a decent sailor and navigator and was familiar with the area - "cut the buoys" that mark the Brenton Reef off Newport. In any case, as we were sailing thru "the dumplings" and I could see the jagged rocks just below the surface of the water I thought to myself... I can teach someone just about anything except GOOD JUDGEMENT ...