Originally Posted By: Mark_Frantom
correct MDinana, the actual requirement reads that they must build a shelter from natural materials (preferrably utilizing LNT principles to minimize the impact) and spend a night in it, but during their shelter session, i'd like them to see what other options they can have with items that are really easy to carry on their person

for the overnighter, I'm gonna use a trick I read in a thread from several years back, about using glow sticks to mark the boy's shelter locations and the location of base camp, and allowing them a water bottle and flashlight ... considering allowing a poncho for them to wear if it rains and their shelter is less than waterproof lol

Our badges and requirements are different up here in Canada, but we did the same thing with our troop. They made a natural shelter and slept in it, but we also practiced using other materials, like tarps. Have to take advantage of those teachable moments, and cover is something they can carry in their PSKs. Proper clothing is a must, so raingear may well be appropriate. Would that cover your use of ponchos? Personally, I prefer them because their multipurpose and can be used for shelter... It would be neat to see if and how they improvise.
Mom & Adventurer

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