One should take care not to confuse solar storms/CMEs with an EMP.

An EMP is the result of a nuclear detonation at high altitude, this would induce very damaging electrical currents in most any electronics within line of sight of the explosion.

A solar storm is a natural event occuring on the surface of the sun, the electrical and magnetic effects could be very damaging on earth, but are much less intense than a man made EMP. damaging effects are only likely in very long conductors or items connnected thereto.
Examples include high voltage grid lines, long distance copper telephone lines, and long pipelines.

I would not expect a solar storm to damage the following (unless they are connected to conductors many miles in length)

Hand held battery electronics
Vehicle electrics
Portable or mobile generators
Line powered equipment if unplugged at the time.
Domestic sized wind or solar power installations.

Large electrical facilities such as power plants and transformers should be safe if ISOLATED FROM LONG TRANSMISSION LINES in time.

Given a few hours warning of a severe solar storm, there is a lot that can be done, including.

Either order an orderly shutdown of the grid, or at least dividing it into small local sections
Hireing or requestioning mobile generators for vital facilities
Pre positioning road or rail tankers of fuel in suitable places
Ensuring that diesel and even steam powered locomotives are in suitable places, together with fuel.
Cancelling all police and military leave, posibly call up reserves.
Shut down oil refineries, and if possible physicly discconnect long oil or gas pipelines from the rest of the equipment.

In years gone by, long copper telephone or telegraph lines would be vulnerable, but are now fibre optic or radio links.