I'd want that guy in my zombie apocalypse group.
Sure, but as a BOB it's a bit ... unwieldy.
Seriously, a whole ROLL of duct tape?
A shoulder based kit? That'll last about 20 minutes.
Arizona and only 96 oz of water? Worst case scenario, he's out of water in 24 hours. And with all that extra weight, he'll want more water. Or he'll be shedding items trying to lighten his load.
Too much BS "comfort items." You're bugging out, which by definition entails short term survival. Luxury items are for when you've established a base of operations.
I find it somewhat ironic that he's bugging out, yet has items designed to be found (ie, 2 mirrors and compass).
Interesting choice of FAK items. No problem with the antifungals, but AZ isn't known for it's prime mold/yeast/fungus problems. And again, you're real unlikely to need it in a short bug out scenario. Maybe if you were backpacking 2 weeks in the Andes .....
Lots of redundancy. Tons of dental floss, flashlights, exacto knife vs pocket knife vs neck knife vs hacksaw blades galore.
really, if someone is going to post up their BOB's, I wish they'd at least try and explain what they're planning for, so their kits aren't just floating around without context. His kit might be perfect if he's making a run for Colorado or something, but seem pretty silly in an urban evac.