Originally Posted By: Eugene
Yep, Outlook Express, or the second biggest security hole to core of Windows after IE smile

Sadly, the vast majority of people who I've met are those who still use IE OE, etc and refuse to replace them with anything having even a hint of security. Thats one reason I got away from anything desktop related smile

What specifically are the security holes in IE and what settings are necessary to counter them, or where can I find out about them?

I just upgraded from my older XP machine to a new desktop with Win7 because of the age of my system and the discontinuation of XP support. With no security updates from MS, it's going to become a hackfest by every twerp with a internet connection and a supply of Redbull. I'm running the current (11?) version of IE and relying on Norton and basic common sense to keep the goblins out (Like not opening Canadian Vi***a ads, or going to websites that use a dictionary in the meta data).

EDIT: Also has anybody used Norton Zone cloud storage? It seems like a good place to put the most critical files.

Edited by Mark_R (03/06/14 08:40 PM)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane