Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
Yeah, classic rookie mistakes all around. But that does remind me that I've been running the same battery in my EDC light for quite awhile. It's an Energizer Advance Lithium and not frequently used but it's probably better to change it out early and waste a little battery than have it die when I really need it.

Excellent battery choice. 10 year shelf life and usually three times the runtime of alkalines. But they are pricey. Rather than just throwing them out when they have been there a "while", why not invest in a good battery checker like the ZTS and just check them periodically. Even if you confirm plenty of life left, carrying a spare as suggested above is a great idea and there are some great containers out there. Regardless of the life left in the battery in the light, an accidental activation left unnoticed for a couple of days will kill any battery.