The British Army has been now deployed to Wealthy Stockbroker Country west of London near Windsor Castle and Eton College as the national flooding crisis of the Thames Valley days after the flooding event and now after isolated reports of bandit type high jacking of Hessian sand bags and looting of homes takes place. There have been complaints about the lack of Police and Army personnel to provide security. The British Army are now placing sand bags in the door entrances of folks properties after the properties have been flooded out a few days ago. The poor Squaddy dogs bodies it would seem haven't even been issued Wellies or fishing Waders whilst they wade through 3 feet of cold stinky water having to suffer cold and wet feet.

A slow motion Katrina event but without the panic and the gun fire. Copious cups of hot tea at community Tea stations help considerably! wink Local and National government reactive actions, too little too late rather than being pro-active and prepared. Lack of maintenance in ensuring water drainage and silt clearing/dredging and crumbling Victorian infrastructure leading to a very British Crisis during an age of austerity.

The National pot hole crisis is bound to following with years of patch repair and make do thinking mentality.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (02/11/14 05:49 PM)