Things Along these Lines are Certainly at least Reasonably Possible. Sooner or Later. Possible again! Not Neccessarily Sure-Firedly So!
It is just Another Area of Societal / Scientific Alertness and Preparedness that we Have to be About!
And Even if Terrorists Never have Anything to Do with it!, -The Normal Biological, Agricultural, and Economic Dangers and Damage!, -from Such Swarms! -Is Enuff for Us to Certainly Keep an Eye on Such Developments, and to Address Such!
Support, Fund, and Encourage the Efforts of Knowledgeable and Experienced Scientists as These! Don't Undercut them or Stand in their Way!
Sure, -We Shudn't Buy or Support every Scientific Theory or Speculation that Comes Down the Pike! But Things Along These Lines of Reasonable Enuff Possibility, Are Not such a One!, -to just Automatically Dismiss Out of Hand!
From a Survival Perspective, -A Silver Lining, from Major Locust Plagues and the Like, (as Bad as Such Plagues can be!), -is the Bonanza of Insect Food a Survivor can Avail Themself of! (Provided it be Non-Poisonous, Etc) Insects are Nutritious, -but they Must be Acquired in Quantity! Well in Such a Plague or Swarm, -You've Got them in Quantity! The Trick is an Effective and Efficient Means of Catching Them! It would Do us Well to Know Something About such Methods, Species, Swarming Times and Other Particulars, and Collection Equipment. If you Can't Eat and Survive on the Grain which They Ate!, -You perhaps Can Eat and Survive on They! The Very Ones who Ate such Grain! The Crop Guarantees that They'll be On Hand! It's Not like you have to Lure Them, or Set Out a Bait for Them, or Something.
I've also Read Recently about some Interesting Techniques of Acquiring Ants in Quantity!, -Out of their Colonies. Perhaps in a Previous Post. Wherever, -I'll have to Come Across it again, to again Know it's Gist or Details. Ants too, -of course exist in Ready Quantity! Not Only in any Individual Nest or Colony! But Such Colonies Themselves Exist in Abundant Quantity!, -Across Most Landscapes.
Biological Species can be Adapted to various Terrorist or Other Nefarious Purposes. Though Often with Difficulty.
I'm Afraid that They can be Used against the Food Supply, andor to Spread Disease, either "Locust Plague" Style, or as Disease Carriers in the Way the Scientists have Described. I Think that this is a More Likely, Effective, and Easier / Cheaper Way of Doing so, -than by More Exotic and Involved CBW Scenarios Using Such as a Transport Means. Though Let's also Not Forget!, that They are Seeking and Working on "Regular", and More Exotic, WMD Too! Biological, Chemical, Radiological, and Nuclear! Though Their perhaps somedayUsing Biological Life to Transmit Anthrax, as the Link Explores, is Essentially the Same Thing. And Both of these Possibilities can still Come to Occur. The "Soybean Aphid Type" And More Typically Known CBW WMD! We Shud Continue to be Watchful of All such Reasonably Possible Ones!
I've also Long had the Pet Thought, -that a Worm, Insect, or Etc. would Make the Perfect Spy! The Proverbial "Fly on the Wall"! So Small and Infiltrable! Perhaps so Numerous! And Until such Uses for it are Known, -Who would ever Suspect!? If Such could be Equipped with a Tiny Camera, Sensors, Etc. Either That, or Tiny Insect Sized Artificial Devices. This is Something I've Heard in the News is Already Being Worked On. Go to It!, -We're Gonna Need It! Such Small intruders can be Used for Other Military purposes, as Well!
We've Got to Defend Against Possible Terrorist, Etc. Uses of Biological Means on U.S.!
And We've Got to Keep and Hold the Sci-Tech Lead!, -in the Use of These to our Own Defensive, -and Offensive on They!, -of Purposes!
We shud Certainly Keep Tabs on Such Developments or Possibilities! If also Knowing it Not to be on the Immeadiately Imminent Horizon, Right Now. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]m9key[/email]
Edited by ScottRezaLogan (04/08/04 07:54 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.