Originally Posted By: Byrd_Huntr
Substations are no more vulnerable than our transportation systems, oil and gas pipelines, wind generators, or water supply. ...... Private business can better design substations, and easily place cheap concrete and metal shielding around critical components in existing vulnerable substations. The use of surveillance systems, and fault detection systems already in place could be improved without too much effort.
Except experience has shown that private business has been loath to spend the money (unless forced to by government) to properly maintain such things as oil/gas pipelines and other infrastructure, for even normal operations, let alone make them more robust against deliberate sabotage.

For example, just ask folks in Michigan and Arkansas about oil pipelines, and folks in California and Canada about gas pipelines.
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz