iPhone users, if you're not aware of the tricks for "preserving battery life on iPhone", I recommend doing a Google search for that.

In addition, I downloaded a program from iTunes that gives me reminders to do certain things to keep battery life.

For me, the best practices have been the following:

1. Turn down the brightness on your screen to as dim as you can handle. I have better than 20/20 vision. So, my screen looks quite dim to everybody who looks at it.

2. Turn on Wifi and/or turn off cellular data. Wifi uses less battery than cellular data connection. The phone must put out a stonger signal (more battery draw) to maintain a cellular data signal.

3. Release programs from being pre-loaded in RAM. Go to home screen. Double click home button. Swipe away all your programs. Do this every time you think about it.

4. Use Airplane mode when you can.

5. Use your phone less often. The screen being on is probably the biggest battery drain.

6. Don't use speaker phone. The speakers use way more battery than earbuds.

7. Set your phone to auto-shutoff after 3 minutes or less.

8. Turn off location services (GPS) when not in use. Communicating with the satellite uses energy.

9. Power off your phone. This is the ultimate battery preserver.
If you're reading this, it's too late.