Originally Posted By: hikermor
Originally Posted By: LesSnyder
does anyone have a link to, or actually tested the amount of interior temperature change a small kerosene lantern (1/2" wick, around 900 BTU/hr) can actually effect in conditions like those currently encountered?...I understand there are a lot of variables eg. interior volume, insulation,... just wondering on the temp change you can expect under actual conditions... normal safety warning

I would be very careful about using any appliance with a live flame in any enclosed space - carbon monoxide. We will probably get a media story about deaths from people who fired up their barbeque grill or other makeshift device in order to keep warm - this unfortunately is a very predictable occurrence.

I did a test with tea lights a while ago: http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=213662&page=8

I see hikermor is still the resident "carbon monoxide Nazi." That's a good thing. grin