Eh, I get what Tjin is saying. My meds is pretty much motrin and my albuterol inhaler. He's right, Americans love their pills.

Lets face it, diarrhea is an inconvenience as long as you have a way to rehydrate. Allergies? Well, they're inconvenient too. If you're getting anaphalyxis out there, you're SOL - benadryl and an epi pen isn't going to save you, just put off the inevitable. it might help if you can get a medivac out in time. Tylenol? Same indications as motrin, handy if you have an NSAID allergy. need something stronger than motrin? It's called SuckItUp, and it goes well with cool compresses from that water source you should have in mind. That's why you have the buddy system, and maybe a PBL.

Multi use items:
---Typically I carry 1 ace and 1 gauze roll. The ace can be used in lieu of the gauze roll, as can a triangular bandage. ---Typically I don't have a triangle in my FAK; however I hike with a ridiculously old, old-school Army Triangle (back when it was cotton, not muslin, and is probably pushing 30 years old). Works for pretty much everything.
---4x4 gauze only, and a few band aids. Band aids aren't all that necessary (really, a scrape?). 2x2 can be improvised by folding a 4x4 - does everyone realize a 4x4 has 16 layers typically, and can be pulled apart to make smaller units? I do have one trauma bandage (the old Nam era, plastic wrapped types, pre Israeli bandage).
--A few small packets of neosporin. Don't use them much, but they're there just in case.
--Roll of the plastic 3M 1 inch 'surgical' tape. It holds pretty much through everything. I've found it works better than duct, athletic, electrical, scotch, masking ...
this one (reference only, on affiliation)
--a few packets of sutures. Not for everyone, but also double duties as a sewing/repair kit.