Well ... Here i am in my own real life hotel survival epic.

My family got caught in a major storm in the Midwest. Airports shut down. We just managed to get a room at a local hotel in St Louis after driving around there for am hour. All hotels jammed full of travelers.

Outside air temp is. Minus one degree Fahrenheit. Wind chill is severe. I say that from experience ... I was out there walking in this stuff last night. Roads were shut down. Snow ploughs not coping. The only two things moving out there late last night were an ambulance (going somewhere) and me on foot going to a local 24-hour pharmacy. By the way, grab an extra T-shirt and use it as a face mask if you are out like this. Otherwise your face will be frozen off. The wind was at least 30-40 mph last night. Brrrr!

Anyway, in the middle of this ... My wife developed severe dental pain. It was a small problem that rapidly got much worse. Ice and Motrin helped a tiny bit ... But NOT much. Getting to an emergency dental clinic ... Forget it. Not happening.

Stuff happens. The "system" we have set up to handle emergencies in our society does not always work. Bad combo's of problems can arise. If you keep some sort of EDC kit, consider having a couple of meds for severe pain. It could be a lifesaver. I did not say this was legal. I'm just saying that things are not always predictable and the system does not have all the answers. :-)
