I took care to cover using appropriate clothing (the Air Force provided some pretty good stuff), but there were times when your cheeks (face) just ended up being exposed. I hated the windburn/chapping of the face. Frostbite? Well, I suffered the effects of that because of poor/inadequate footwear as a kid. My hands? The work on aircraft in the 1980's in northern Maine did not help much. Did you ever try to safety wire cannon plugs with the lousy leather gloves with wool liners? Can't be done. The liners alone were useless because wool is no good for gripping small wire and the cold goes right through. We weren't authorized flight gloves. So, it was barehanded misery. Now, any time the temp drops below 50 my feet and hands are shot. But, I still prefer the northern climes.
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor