For years I have worn fingerless gloves (not really fingerless, just the outer joint or so removed) inside my mittens to keep the hands warm longer when you have to remove the mittens. My favorite ones are woven rabbit fur. If the camera or other equipment is really cold, I also wear a pair of thin (usually silk) contact gloves over them. You can then touch items that you would freeze to.
They work best in mittens like yours (where did you get the ones shown in Orange Box @ 14 below?, I have been looking for a new pair) that can be removed with a snap of the wrist. I learned from some Inuit that I worked with to use them this way. Keep them on strings (back to gradeschool) and size them so that the mitten can be flipped off and replaced without the other hand.
If you use a balaclava, you need to pull it down below the mouth while you are taking pictures. Try to keep the nose uncovered. Otherwise use a mask like AFLM recommended or even an N95 mask with an exhale valve to move the moisture away from the camera. A good deep hood with a proper fur ruff will usually keep your sunglasses warm enough to avoid the fog, but not always. It will not work for your camera, it gets cold out there. :-) I have had to go to slit goggles in some of the worst conditions.
Edited by JerryFountain (01/08/14 06:23 PM)
Edit Reason: clarity