"We now have a textbook example of natural selection, since we have by now killed off most all the dumb terrorists. The ones who remain are unlikely to be fooled by any tracking device, no matter how cleverly hidden or disguised. "

very glad you said that.
because I have been thinking exactly the same thing lately.
Due to all the actions that have been taken in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan - we have effectively created a new generation of terrorists who are immune to our tactics. I'm not pointing the finger at anyone in charge of US policies. Like you - just making the observation that unless the enemy is killed 100%, he will emerge stronger. If you add the current situation in Syria into the mix ... there's a red light blinking a warning that whatever organization comes out of this mess will be a really big problem. I have thought for a while that AQ will evolve or blend into some new group. Or maybe they will just be bypassed because they did not keep up.

I'd like to see methods to protect civilians (like aid workers) also evolve. But it's hard to make this happen when the management of these NGO's keeps playing "stupid games". The enemy does not care that these guys are doing 'good things" for the world. They are just an easy source for hostages and money.

So you've given me some homework to do for 2014. Come up with a better tracking device.


Edited by Pete (12/26/13 07:22 PM)