Please define the terms a bit more. Is it urban carry? Is it an urban car kit? Is it a bag I'm carrying to work? Is it a weekend outing?

When I here "urban pack", I imagine what I'd carry to an office job in a city like San Francisco. There is no way I'm carrying half the stuff mentioned here.

In my man bag or on my person, I carry the following:

-Pico Pen
-piece of paper
-thin rope rated at 250 lbs.
-tiny USB drive
-Fenix LD15 flashlight
-cell phone
-money clip w/credit cards, etc.

I went ahead and listed everything because it's not much and intended to be ultra light, which is the only way I can imagine walking around in an urban setting. By the way, I would carry a handgun, but I'm in California...
If you're reading this, it's too late.