It's not a lot of details but an MSN story is reporting that:

Machado said the couple had not brought food or water with them on the outing, but used a spare tire as a container for a fire made from brush and wood they could find.

Chris Montes, a rescuer who first spotted the vehicle, told NBC affiliate KRNV that Glanton had built a fire so that he could heat rocks and bring them into the Jeep to keep the family warm.

It sounds like they were pretty lucky to have escaped relatively unscathed. They rolled the Jeep and none were injured, then had no food, water or warm clothing and had to spend a couple nights out there. With respect it appears they were pretty foolish- unless the story has some serious factual errors it appears they were woefully unprepared, to the point of recklessness.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman