San Nicolas is the furthest out, and the relatively most isolated of the eight Channel Islands, but they had regular contact with the other islands and with the mainland. The Chumash and Tongva had very efficient watercraft, much admired by the Spaniards who first contacted them. The inhabitants of San Nicolas Island were quite similar to the groups around them.

In general,mainland life did not work for most the islanders who came to the mainland - Nicolenos, Chumash, or Tongva. It - quite depressing to read the mission death and baptismal records - many islanders died with no children, the population shrinking to about an estimated 10% of its former level in roughly one hundred years.

Juana Maria, the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, died after a mere six weeks on the mainland in Santa Barbara. This is the lady made famous in the book, Island of the Blue Dolphin.
Geezer in Chief