wow. that's pretty interesting stuff. i just found out a week ago that there used to be a completely unique Native American tribe that inhabited the outermost Channel Island called San Nicolas. They were removed a couple of centuries ago from their island when Russian seamen (whalers or fur fishers) used force to try to gain the island territory. White people moved the Indians thinking it would protect them. Apparently this Indian tribe had its own unique language and culture. But sadly, the culture and language were completely lost after they were transported to the mainland ... I think they all died. Something about the mainland environment did not work for them.

I am not sure I am coming to the conclusion - necessarily - that these Indians in the Channel Islands came from ancestors who traveled across the Bering land bridge. Maybe the Channel Is. indians were the descendants of a completely separate migration pattern that came from some other direction in the ocean ... Hawaii, Mexico, Colombia? This is not to say that some Indians in N. America did not come from the far north - just goes to show how much we dont know. but i am starting to understand why you are spending so much time on the CA islands :-)


Edited by Pete (11/20/13 05:07 AM)