so ... your theory is that the Romans got all grimey, couldn't wash, and their girlfriends refused to give them sex?? so they gave up on Northern Britain.
I wish I'd read more history books written by you Am Fear - I might have stayed awake in high school history classes :-)
I think that the Romans Centurions had other things to worry about trying to keep their heads attached to the their torso's especially in this gore fest of a movie. They certainly liked their plumbing and hot baths though, but they didn't really have time to build them to keep the chilly weather at bay when operating in FOBs down range. like there was even a Roman SERE school as well as they run away, run away live to fight another day over the Scottish Cairngorms much like Bears Grylls action man figures.
Most Empires like to consider themselves as civilizations who then consider their enemies who they subjugate or invade to expand the Empire as Barbarians or sub humans especially when things aren't going so well even in Tacitus's day.
And now for the boring factual historical Archeology bit