"So based on your premise, our current civilization should be dominated by strong, virile members who are natural fighters and respectable leaders.

Sorry, but our current version is anything but. In fact, I would say our current civilization is the antithesis of your model. I believe all of the pathologies you allude to are in full function today. "

I would agree that we've got a problem today. I wouldn't go so far as to say our leaders need to be strong, virile fighters - although maybe that helps. But I would say that our leaders definitely need to address the real problems facing the group and take care of them. real needs of the group must be satisfied - real problems have to get solved. it is dysfunctional when leaders somehow believe they exist for their own purposes. if you look at the old "primitive" group structure - they did indeed require strong virile leaders. why? because ineffective leaders got knocked off by younger ones who were more effective. there was no way to "buy" leadership. you either delivered the goods or you didnt.


Edited by Pete (11/12/13 04:25 AM)