Quoting for truth. This is sound advice.

Originally Posted By: CDVXF7
I've car camped with my kids as early as 3 month old. They are all about 2 years apart. My parents took me camping as young as 6 months and slept in the open with me between them. Some things my wife and I did with our toddlers....

We always took turns taking care of the toddler/s and let them walk/crawl around. Everything takes three times as long to do. It was much much easier with additional parents or adults with us. For bugging out you really need to consider planing to have other adults around. Think tribal, parenting was always shared.

Mini carabiner to "lock" the tent zippers at night. We would set the zippers out of reach.

Used the tent to confine the toddler while napping. Nothing baby unsafe in the tent. Peg the tent down securely with all pegs as a strong enough toddler can push/roll down a freestanding tent from the inside. Often stowed the sleeping bags and left the pads by day because kids have a habit of drooling/peeing/puking or pooping on sleeping bags. Guy lines were only staked out before bed as the kids kept tripping on them. If there was some emergency that truly required both of our hands free we planned to lock the toddler in the tent crying or not. Never had to though.

We considered a Johnny jumper type thing to hang from a tree since I'm adamantly opposed to leashes, but my wife isn't.

Dressed them in bright colors. Considered bells on their shoes but never did it. My parents used bells on my shoes!

Packed lots of baby wipes and used them all day.
Used washable diapers and washed them during the trip.
Washed kids clothes during the trip.
Packed a couple of toys but only 1 or 2. Nature kept them pretty occupied.

As far as food if they were nursing they nursed, but I had stored
formula and bottles in case my wife couldn't nurse. When they could eat some foods they ate the same things we ate, but I had some off the shelf baby food stored as well that way one parent can feed them quickly while the other cooks. Walmart often has baby foods in MRE style pouches. Cut a corner off and squeeze it into their mouth for no utensil feeding. Have your kids taste test all foods you are considering for storage. Some appropriate sweets are good to have when you need to quiet them down when all else fails.

Kids tantrum so I don't know how we could have a stealthy bug out. If security was an issue you need more people with you.
Since you are in SOCAL practice bugging out by camping in Angeles Crest. That way if it gets too ugly you can bug out back home within an hour or two!
Mom & Adventurer

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