I think I can get to 1500 Kcal for under $5. 1 can of Spam dehydrated (4 oz dehydrated from a 12 oz can), 2 oz of instant refried beans, and 2 oz of minute rice, plus a little Santa Fe seasoning. The Spam alone is almost 1200 Kcal. I bought a can here locally in Anchorage for $2.57, I dehydrated a can of refrieds that cost me 78 cents, and the rice I priced at about 18 cents. The teaspoon of seasoning mix was probably another 15 cents. Boil uup a cup or so of water, and you will have an outright feast. You might get more calories by the ounce just eating the equivalent of peanut butter, but just barely. I can only eat so much peanut butter at one time, though, and usually get some serious indigestion if I eat more than a couple ounces at a time.

You would not want to eat my concoction regularly either, for it would make you far from it in short order.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)