Originally Posted By: AKSAR

...you might want to read Sandi Doughton's book [i]"Full Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest".

AKSAR -- thank you for this recommendation. It was probably your mention of this book last summer which caused me to read it (fascinating). I bought my sister a copy and she devoured it. She lives in Portland and frequently vacations at Cannon Beach.

So thanks for the recommendation -- that is an excellent book and it made a big impression on my sister. We were discussing it the other night and reminisced about how we both went to Oregon State University in the early-mid 80s before the public knew anything about the subduction zone threat and geologists were still debating it.

We spent dozens of weekends at the beach (Newport, an hour from Corvallis) and had no inkling of the threat. If I'd felt an earthquake back then of any size I'd have been surprised. Would have had absolutely no sense of urgency to get to higher ground to avoid a tsunami.
